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The underground rumors are true. We do have a brand new flipper coin that has nothing to break, no springs, nothing to glue and no rubber band. This is called the next generation flipper, it is a part of the Triception set.

With this ingenious coin set you can effortlessly make coins appear and vanish at your fingertips. Master coin craftsman Bob Swadling, along with Mark Mason, have fine tuned this set over months of development. Bob's next generation flipper is a brand new concept in coin gaffs.   There is nothing to break, nothing to glue, no rubber band, and you will receive a secret ingredient which will allow you to keep your gravity flipper in tip-top condition. Anyone and, we mean ANYONE, can pull this gravity flipper apart and reassemble it in 60 seconds. You will love the design. Triception also includes a Swadling expanded shimmed shell, plus a matching magnetic coin.

As if this is not enough, you also receive Bob's magnetic pocket coin holder. This holder is designed to hold a gravity flipper and shell all open and in a set position. Reach into your pocket, remove the coins already opened, and set for you to go straight into your routine.

The Triception set also includes Bob's magnetic holdout, for both vanishing and secretly picking up coins. This has been one of Bob's best-kept secrets for over 10 years. The holdout works in any jacket, shirt, and even a T-shirt.

All this along with the step-by-step online video instructions. Fully taught are Mark Mason's Triception routine, as well as his just watch routine, plus bonus ideas and handling tips. A special interview chapter includes Mark sitting down with Bob Swadling, who is the inventor of his original flipper coin from 1964. This will be the very first time Bob has sat down and put on record the real history of the flipper coin.

Triception includes
1 Expanded shimmed shell
1 Magnetic next generation flipper (Gravity)
1 Magnetic coin
1 Magnetic holdout
1 Magnetic pocket coin holder
1 Magnetic card
 Step-by-step Online instructions. Over two hours of knockout magic.

Online instructions covers

Triception. Mark’s brilliant handling for the production and vanish of three coins. This is a real-world knock-out routine.

Just Watch. Three coins are taken, one at a time, from the spectator's hand. Coins one and two vanish into thin air. Coin three arrives under the spectator's watch.

NGF Matrix. Mark uses Bob’s incredible Flipper to perform a killer matrix. You will love it.

4 No More. Bob performs his super-clean, super-easy, production of 4 coins. You will rub your eyes as they vanish.

Flipper History.  Mark sits down with the legend himself, Bob Swadling. Bob is the creator of some of the world's leading magic
effects. He invented the Flipper coin back in 1964. Listen and learn the real history of this incredible gaff.

NGF Maintenance. This is a chapter all about the next-generation flipper.

4 No More Bonus.  A never before seen coin routine.

The Triception coin sets are also available in Liberty half dollars. We will also make Morgan dollar sets as a special order item. Please call or email for further details on price etc.

OMG! Swadling is a bloody genius. First, he invents one of the great coin gaffs of all time, the Flipper Coin. Now he has taken it to a whole new level. I couldn't believe it when you let me look at it. I have no idea how this can be possible, but a Flipper that has no rubber band to replace will turn this into something everyone will use. Then, as if that wasn't enough, to add in the special shell coin that makes so many things possible and the special holdout for the whole thing makes this new set indispensable for any coin worker. The magnetic features of the set will no doubt inspire the creation of lots of new routines. Put me down for the first set!  - Marc DeSouza

The craftsmanship of the Next Generation Flipper is exquisite. The effects you can do with it are truly impossible. My wife loves it - Norm Nielsen

The best Flipper coin I have ever seen R Paul Wilson

Hi Mark,

I got the coins yesterday - all absolutely fantastic. Please pass on my
thanks to Bob for his unbelievable work... just brilliant. Once I had
them all out of the packaging I had to look very close to figure out
which were the flippers - I got it wrong with one of them and was
wondering why the mag coin wasn't opening... :). The shells are amazing
too - and you were right, it's fantastic to have the spares.

Now I just have to practice hard enough to do the coins justice.

So, thank you! And please pass on my thanks to Bob too, the man's a genius.

Cheers, Chris Anley UK


Hi Tricia. I received the Triception set today. It is an amazing set of coins. Beautiful. And I have sets from Schoolcraft & Lassen. These coins are on par or better. I couldn't be happier. Thank you for the speedy service.

Hi Mark,
Just a note to say what an absolute delight Triception is, a real work of craftmanship and art, please pass my compliments on to Bob, the man is a genius
Alban Unsworth Kaymar Magic

Just got my Triception. We met at MITR and you promised Wed. I got it Monday. Great service, great lecture, great products.
Thanks. Mark Bennett

Dear Mark,
Just a quick note to let you know how nice it was to see you again at Blackpool. Please remember to pass onto Bob how much I like the morgans and shell set I purchased about a year ago - they are beautifull and a real joy to work with.
I know my son Douglas is delighted with both sets of coins he purchased at Blackpool a few days ago.


Best wishes
Phil Tilston

Hi Mark/ Tricia

Just an email to say that my Triception set  arrived today ...The set is fantastic  and well worth the wait  ..Thanks also to Bob for making the set and also a thanks for the free gifts .

Top notch Mark  and great customer service as usual.

Have a nice day


Shaun Maw UK

The concept and craftsmanship are brilliant. . . . . .

Paul Russel



I just got the coins. Absolutely beautiful. I did a double-take when I
saw the flipper, it's amazing. And to get the double-expanded set as
well - just fantastic. Brilliant stuff. Please thank Bob for doing this;
these are the best gaffed coins I've ever seen.

Now I'd better get back to that Triception DVD and start working on
it... I want to be able to do the coins justice... :)

Cheers, Chris Anley Surrey UK

Hi Mark & Tricia

Just a quick note to say how much I love thet Triception coin set,
it's fantastic.
The quality of the coins and accessories are truly first class.
Mark's teaching & handling tips make the routes so easy to follow.
Triception is def my buy of the convention, I honestly love it.

Kindest regards Paul Frost

Great to meet you and your Lady at last.

Well, I treated myself to Triception yesterday at Blackpool. Not a cheap effect I thought, but knowing I can always put my trust in you, not a problem – you only live once as they say. So yes – shell out some “beer vouchers” . 

Well, what VALUE – incredible . Thank you, thank you , thank you. I’ve only started leaning the first routine – and am over the moon already.

Hoping to see you again soon. 

Kind regards Paul Feldman

    I am just calling you to say they Triception has to be the best trick I have ever bought, It BLOWS people away.
Dennis Metz - Cincinati Ohio

Hi Mark - I just watched the \"Triception\" DVD. Really great. I enjoyed the conversation with Bob Swadling at the end. I certainly hope you two are considering re-releasing \"Blasted\" again. Robert  McDaniel

Hi Mark/Bob
Just received my Triception set. This is fantastic, what a brilliant idea. The flipper works like a dream. I also love the magnetic pocket holder.
2 thumbs up - Walter Blake PA

Mr Mason - I recieved your triception Liberty set Saturday - It is a masterpiece - Chuck Derrow PA

Hi Mark!
Thanks for the triception trick, it´s fantastic! - Mysco Sweden

Hey Mark
     I love my Triception set, I have had dozens of flippers coins over the years from all manufacturers.
You are onto a real winner with this. - Dave Smith Oklahoma

You have made my NEW YEAR, my Morgan Triception set is great, I love the routines on the DVD.
 - Jack Smith Katy Texas

    I love the Liberty Triception set, I want to buy a second set in Morgan's. Great routines, great coins.
- Dennis Holstin Michigan

It is wonderful craftmanship and I am very happy with my purchase. Thanks so much for putting out such a great product with such great service.
I will be ordering more coins for this routine again in the future.  Thanks so much! Mike Parobec Canada.

All coins are beautiful! - Darko Jedud Germany


I haven’t practice or play with the props yet, but I have just watched the Triception DVD. What a great idea, what a nice prop. I surely will spend some time and effort to master it. Great stuff! Thanks!


Anton Tanesha Belgium

Hi Mark,

Item received! 
Amazing quality (difficult to discriminate the flipper from the real coins I already own...) , fast shipping, great support as usual, and it works perfectly for all routines I need to perform.
I think a quick feedback was well deserved!
I wish you a nice day,
Kind regards,
Francesco Paoli
Media Type Shipped Product

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Customer Reviews

  • 5 Stars

    Incredible craftsmanship! Seriously, even with close, close inspection, you can't tell the flipper is gaffed. I'm a very entry level coin guy and learned and performed the routine the first day I got my set. I have sets from Todd Lassenn and Jamie Schoolcraft and there is no comparison. It's also very easy to make your own routines or make modifications to the ones you get with the purchase. Just another word about these guys, they're service is absolutely great. Buy with confidence and knowledge that you will blow people's minds!

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  • Wow and Double Wow !!!!

    5 Stars

    What can i say about Triception,I can't, because its that Good..You have to get this effect because you won't put it down.There is so many things you can do with these coins its endless.Again Mark outdid himself when he made these coins when i first saw him do this effect i could'nt get my money out fast enough.these coins are remarkable, and they are the best Quality Coins on the Market today.You won't believe your eyes when you handle these coins.

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  • Triception

    5 Stars

    Sorry, it took so long to thank you for my custom silver (1964) half dollar tri ception. Works like a dream..Your team deserves great credit for one of the greatest improvements in coin magic.
    Get raves every time I perform the effect.

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    5 Stars

    just a letter to say I have been playing with the Triception set I purchased at the Magifest last week. This set is amazing. The routines are great on the DVD. The holdout and pocket holder are brilliant. Many thanks to you and Bob, you have done a great job. See you in Pittsburg.
    Chuck C - Ohio

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